Advanced Placement Program

The Advanced Placement (AP) Program helps motivate and prepare students for college by providing courses that mirror introductory college-level courses at the high school level. These courses help to foster critical thinking and study skills, and they increase students' persistence and success in college. Students, who have completed an AP course and exam, tend to have higher acceptance rates into higher education, have higher retention rates once in college, and have higher grade-point-averages in college compared to those students who did not take an AP course or exam.

It is District 228's philosophy to provide as many AP opportunities as we can for our students. To do this, we are expanding the supports for students and staff through resources, interventions and professional development. We have made it our goal to increase participation in AP courses and to increase the number of tests taken by our students. Below you will see our AP success rates for the  three years:

AP Chart

The College Board recognizes students' effort on AP exams and awards several levels of distinction. These awards are:

AP Scholar - Granted to a student who receives scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams
AP Scholar with Honor - Granted to a student who receives an average score of 3.25 on all AP exams taken, and scores a 3 or higher on four or more of these exams
AP Scholar with Distinction - Granted to a student who receives an average of 3.5 on all AP exams taken, and scores a 3 or higher on five or more of these exams
National AP Scholar - Granted to a student who receives an average score of at least 4 on all AP exams taken and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams

Below is a summary of our students' efforts over the last three years:

ap chart

One of the interventions we provide each summer is an AP/pre-AP Camp for our honors and AP students. It is a four-day camp running in early June at each of the high schools. This program is targeting students currently enrolled in Studies of English and AP Geography. The goals of the camp are as follows:

  • To develop support groups within in the student body - teaching students how to study in groups
  • To have students understand the expectations of being an Honors/AP student
  • To address areas of concern prior to beginning courses this fall
  • To experience an AP topic of student - this summer the theme is "Chicago History"

If you would like to learn more about our AP/pre-AP Camp or to register your incoming student, please contact the following Assistant Principal for Teaching & Learning:

  • Bremen HS: Mrs. Jessica Rucsinski at 371-3600 ext. 8104
  • Tinley Park HS: Mrs. Wendy Bumphis at 532-1900 ext. 8204
  • Hillcrest HS: Dr. Maurice Young at 799-7000 ext. 4804
  • Oak Forest HS: Mrs. Jane Dempsey at 687-0500 ext. 8304